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Why Must We Each Become One with God Through the Ideal of the Holy Marriage Blessing


I.     Prelude:

Titled: Why Must We Each Become One with God Through Marriage?

Author: Amb Rev Gerald B. Coleman

Co-founder of True Love Family Foundation for Peace and Development in Africa

Pen Name: God’s Boy Child

Published: March 1, 2021



II. Completed Testament Age HDH Reading:

I thought of you when I read this quote from "Cheon Seong Gyeong: The Holy Scripture of Cheon Il Guk" by Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han Moon, The Committee for the Compilation of True Parents' Teachings -

"Why must we occupy God? It is so we can stand in the position of creators in the Creator’s stead. If we are to multiply God’s children, there is no alternative but to occupy God. This teaching is based on the Principle of Creation."

III. Abstract:

My topic today is "Why Must we Become One with God?". In this article I will outline the key reasons why human beings, created as man and woman, must unite in a Holy Marriage Blessing and thus substantiate Heavenly Parent's fleshly presences one lineage at a time. I will also introduce the concept of the True Parents as the True Olive Tree representing Heavenly Parent's original Bloodline on Earth. While marriage has taken many forms over the Ages, even today same sex marriage is considered legal in several countries. I will strive to introduce the Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony centered on True Parents as the only True ceremony depicting Oneness with God as Heavenly Parents.

For you see all other forms of union between human beings do not resemble Heavenly Parent's at all. Because, for example, they are not Unchanging, Selfless, Eternal, and Absolute. Christian marriages are only  valid on earth. Muslim marriages do not have the concept of being eternal and absolute also they allow MULTIPLY PARTNERS. Finally Traditional marriages follow the same patterns of the other Faith's. In summary, it is only the Marriages Blessed by True Parents that have the spiritual power to truly separate us from Satan's Dominion of Evil giving us a chance to truly resemble the tabernacle of God on Earth. We are told in Rev 21:3 that God’s tabernacle will appear on Earth in ENDTIMES to wipe away the tears from our eyes. That tabernacle is the image of True Parents. So, let's begin our journey towards becoming "One with God".

Key Words: True Parents, Holy Marriage Blessing, Heavenly Parents, God’s Tabernacle, Nation of God

IV. Introduction:

The Divine Principle as Godism is the only Religious view which teaches that Man and Woman must unite and become God-like. Though the Oneness of Man and Woman is implied biblical  in Gen 2:24, I know of no other faith which teaches this concept of becoming True Parents in the image of our invisible Heavenly Parents. Because of this unique view of Man's destiny to become God's living Tabernacle (Rev 21:1-5), and thus perfect as God in heaven is perfect (Mt 5:48), the Unification Church is the only spiritual institution qualified to proclaim God's Kingship on Earth.

This is why in 2001, after 40 years of pioneering God's Ideal of Family and Marriage, Rev Dr and Mrs Sun Myung Moon proclaimed to the Physical and Spiritual Worlds the establishment of Heavenly Parent's Sovereignty on Earth. By 2004 they proclaimed the end of the Age before the Coming of Heaven on Earth and the beginning of the Age of God's Kingship on Earth. By 2006 they established the Nation of Cheon-Il-guk on Earth as the Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unity. This new Nation was created under the Sovereignty of God's Kingship on Earth represented by True Parents as the first Earthy King and Queen of Peace on Earth. Remember the bible stated in Mt 5:9 "Blessed are the Peace Makers for they shall be called the Children of God". The first citizens of that new Nation are referred to as Central Blessed Families; while the land of that new Nation was the whole Planet Earth itself based on the Eternal Power of God's Spoken WORDS and the ACTIONS of Their Avatars the Rev Dr and Mrs Sun Myung Moon and their Holy seed Tribe.

From the beginning of the bible (in Gen 1:28) we are introduced to the ideal of God's Holy Tabernacle being Adam and Eve. However, with the fall of Adam and Eve from grace, heaven sort to send another Adam (I Cor 15:45) as the last Adam and messianic savior of humankind. This was the mission of Lord Jesus Christ with the chosen people of Israel serving as His reception Committee (Isaiah 9:6,7). Regrettably Israel rejected their savior even crucifying Him.

Thus, the final hope for humankind became the Prophesy of the Second Coming of Christ. Remember the key purpose of heaven sending the Messiah was to defeat Satan's claim to ownership of the World. For in the bible (II Cor 4:4) we are told that Satan became the God of this World after the fall of Adam and Eve. However, Lord Jesus was not able to do this since he was murder before He could perform the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Mt 22:1-14). This Holy ceremony was a prerequisite for the Lord himself to stand in the position of "Oneness with God" and proclaim the physical presence of True Parents on Earth.


After 2000 years of waiting for the Lord of the Second Coming, suddenly between 1954 to 2012 global Christianity was faced with the Rev Dr Sun Myung Moon as a “Self-Proclaimed Messiah[1]” of humankind. Regrettably, as with Lord Jesus Christ and the 1st Nation of Israel, the Global Christian Churches (now in the position of the 2nd Chosen Nation of Israel) rejected their promised savior. Therefore, humankind today is facing global despair and conflicts[2] in the mist of great hope and abundance. Since 2020 True Parents have been reaching out to humankind with a Great Hope for change via the Ideal of Attendance to True Parents and the education of True Family Values. In this way citizens of Cheon-Il-Guk see True Parents as the source of Heavenly Parents blood lineage on Earth today and the only true hope for human redemption. Love you all forever...   

[1] This is how global media described Father Moon over the years, showing the clear failure of Christian Churches to recognize the Lord of the Second Coming. Self-Proclaimed 'Messiah' Rev. Sun Myung Moon Dies at 92 - Gistmania

[2] As humanity crossed into the 21st century, though the United Nation cried out to global leadership for change, it was only True Parents who provided a clear solution towards Heaven’s Peace Kingdom on Earth.  The world cried out for a Culture of Peace on Earth. Yet, without True Parents guiding humankind, global leadership continued to promote growth without spiritual development. With time this led to an outbreak of strange global pandemics like Ebola, Covid-19, Climate Change escalations, etc. But by the grace of True Parent’s work on behave of Heaven a New Nation of Cosmic Peace was established during the period of 2000 to 2020.   


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