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My Inspiration and Reflections Surrounding the Appearance of Seven Angels as We Opened Cheon Shim Won in Liberia


I.                  Prelude:

Title: My Inspiration and Reflections Surrounding the  Appearance of Seven Angels as We Opened The Cheon Shim Won in Liberia.

Author: Amb Rev Gerald B. Coleman, God’s Boy Child, and Black Jesus of JC-Clan in Liberty in Africa

Institution: The True L.I.G.H.T. Institute of Science and Religion

Published By: The True Love Family Foundation for Peace and Development in Africa Inc.

Date: Vol 2, Issue 7, Article X, July 12-18, 2024

II.               Abstract:

In this article, we wish to share a testimony linked to the recent opening of Liberia’s Cheon Shim Won. This testimony is part of a great spiritual awakening experience shared by Amb Rev Gerald B. Coleman. Since joining the Unification Church in March of 1979, Rev Coleman has experienced several Spiritual experiences linked to Liberia as a “Nation of Destiny for Africa”.

Since the ascension of our beloved True Father in 2012, Rev Coleman started writing down his experiences on various blogs and books for public exposure, but as the saying goes in Liberia: “If you want to hide a secret from Liberians simply publish it in a book” alluding to the fact that we are not a reading population. 

Key Words: Cheon Shim Won 


III.            NTA HDH Reading:

“1 Then I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous: seven angels having the seven last plagues, for in them the wrath of God is completeAnd I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who have the victory over the beast (the beast refers to Satan’s various Kingdoms over the Ages of History… OTA, NTA, and the CTA)over his image (image of the beast refers to the 8th head of the beast representing Global Communism and Materialism) and [a]over his mark ( referring to the mark of the Beast as in ungodly technology and economic systems linked to global warming and other ecological crisis… this is materialism or Humanism in contrast to Godism) and over the number of his name (here they are referring to the number 666[1] mentioned in Rev 13:15-18 linked to Satanism, Witchcraft, Idol worshipping and human sacrifices, occultism), standing on the sea of glass, having harps of God.” KJV, Rev 15:1,2


IV.          Inspirations & Reflections:

A.   Background Introduction:

According to our research at the True L.I.G.H.T. Institute, the A-ether, or AIR Element is a 7-dimentional Realm of pure energy called “UPE of action”. Our current earth's atmosphere is linked to the Ozone (O^3) layer as God's Trinity Energy Matter Partnership (T.E.M.P.) energy presence is the GROUND FLOOR Energy zone from which Heavenly Parents created the Physical Body of Adam and Eve. Let’s read about this in Gen 2:7.

“7. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden (referring to the Garden of Eden as Planet Earth), and there He put the man whom He had formed.” KJV, Gen 2:7,8

From this reading, we can deduce that our 3rd Planet in this Solar System has special value relative to Heavenly Parents. Science refers to this as the Goldilockszone or the habitable zone. It is “the area around a star where it is not too hot and not too cold for liquid water to exist on the surface of the surrounding planet”  

We believe our Planet Earth forms the left arm of a 4PFS with a partner-like Planet on the right arm gauged by a crossover zone we could refer to as the Higgs Boson of God Particle Zone. From a Spiritual or Holonymy perspective this would be equal to a Galaxy (ST-ripple wave energy) existing in the Upper Higg’s Field (UHF) but gauged as a Solar System (TS-ripple particle energy)  in the Lower Higgs Field (LHF).

 This LHF Solar System is part of the Dark Matter realm of All Reality linked to the 4 inner solid Planets of our Solar System (Venus, Mercury, Earth, and Mars). The UHF Solar System is part of the Dark Energy realm of All Reality and is linked to the 4 Outer Gaseous Planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune). So, when the bible talks about “east of Eden” we see this referring to Asia as the land of the rising Sun on Planet Earth, the 3rd Planet of our Solar System[2].

B. The E-Ozone Realm of Uncertainty surrounding Planet Earth As the Garden of Eden:

So back to our atmosphere and the Ozone layer. First, please realize that the Ozone (O^3) symbolizes the Trinity Energy Matter Partnership of God’s Energy Presence with us on Planet Earth.

It is this same Ozone described in Rev 15 as the final gathering place of the Saints of Heaven and the 144,000 First Resurrected Saints on Earth[3]. They are prophesied to gather on planet Earth together with the Lords of the Second Coming as “God the Father” and God the Mother”, the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind (H.E. Rev Dr Sun Myung Moon and H.E. Dr Hak-Ja Han-Moon). Please read about this in the above reference NTA HDH Reading (Rev 15:1 and 2).

Clearly from this reading, the LORD Jesus is informing all Christians to be aware of the coming of the True Parents on Earth in the Last Days of human history. It is referred to as the time of the Seven Angels with 7 Plagues. They are to release the final Wrath of God on Planet Earth, a wrath capable of destroying 1/3 of the global population released. We believe the year 2020 was the turning point deadline for humankind. This is why during that year we experienced a Global Lockdown linked to COVID-19 as the final warning to humankind! Regrettably, humankind was not awakened.

As a Unificationist we refer to the period from 2020 to 2027 as the completion stage of True Mother’s Providence for the Substantial Establishment of Cheon-Il-Guk as the Kingdom of God on Planet Earth.  

In Rev 22:4 the True Parents are introduced to humankind as the Face of God our Heavenly Parents, where “face” stands for the acronym Final Avatar of Christ Energy (F.A.C.E.).

 “3And there shall be no more curse (meaning after the victorious coming of True Parents on Planet Earth, and via the Holy Marriage Blessing they will administer, the curse of the Fall of Adam and Eve will be lifted… read Gen 3:14-19)  , but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it (the Throne of God and the Lamb refers to the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind), and His servants shall serve Him (this refers to the restoration of the Angelic World Order disturbed by Lucifer in Isaiah14:12-14). They shall see His face (here the reference is made to the 1st resurrected Saints who will accept and recognize the True Parents as the Final Avatar of Christ Energy finally manifested in the flesh on Planet Earth), and His name shall be on their foreheads (here LORD Jesus is referring to his New Name as Rev Dr Sun Myung Moon… read Rev 3:12).” KJV, Rev 22:4


We are also told in Rev 15:5 that the exact time of this great gathering of Heavenly Saints on Planet Earth will be April 2025, as the opening day of “the temple of the Tabernacle of the testimony[4] in heaven”.

 “After these things, I looked, and [a]behold, the [b]temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven (this is referring to the Cheon Gun Won scheduled to be opened April 2015 as a Hall of Records) was opened”. KJV, Rev 15:5

Unificationists refer to this opening date as the opening day of Cheon Gun Won, also referred to as the Cheon-Il Sanctum.  It is also the time when the 7 Angels will appear with the 7 last Plagues full of the wrath of God! Let’s read Rev 15:6-8:

“6 And out of the [c]temple came the seven angels[5] having the seven plagues, clothed in pure bright linen, and having their chests girded with golden bands. Then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the wrath of God who lives forever and ever. The temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from His power, and no one was able to enter the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed.” KJV, Rev 15:6-8

Unificationists worldwide have entered a state of global countdown to April 2025. From August 2024 to April 2025 we have 8 months to work to avert the seven plagues of the 7 Angels. True Mother has asked us to educate 1/3 of the Global Population to the presence and Attendance of True Parents on Earth. This time is just like the time of Abraham and Lot relative to the destruction of the City of Sodom (Gen 18:26-33; 19:1-38) from the Wrath of God. Abraham was concerned about how to save the city and its people. He was promised that the destruction of the City would be advertised based on the existence of a certain number of Righteousness Peace- loving Citizens in the CITY, even 10 righteous persons could have saved the City! Regrettably, in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah, the whole city was full of corrupt leaders and citizens, so Only Abraham and Lot were saved!

For Liberia today we have joined the global network of Cheon Shim Won (Heavenly Garden of Eden the Realm of God’s Heart on Earth) as the Office Presence of Heavenly Parents and True Parents. We have also been given Death Valley Salt to protect us and assist us in finding righteous men and women here in Liberia who can help us in the Physical Salvation of Liberia by separating our Nation-State from Satan’s Dominion of Evil and connecting it to Cheon-Il-Guk as the Nation of Cosmic Destiny.  

 Through our global resonance Prayer Vigils in the House of God (Cheon Shim Won) we can collectively join our True Mother in appealing for heavenly mercy and the great awakening of all Humankind towards the Age of Attendance to True Parents on Planet Earth. Our True Mother has assured us that the one sure way to physically save humankind from the wrath of God is for 1/3 of the Global Population of 8.1 Billion to join us in humbly attending the TRUE PARENTS. If we can achieve this goal by 2027 great miracles will take place from heaven leading to the eventual healing of Global Warming and other Plagues connected to the Wrath of God.

Let us all wake up and enter our various Holy Places to ask Heavenly Parents to return to Planet Earth as the True Owner and God of this world. Let us kick Satan out of our lifestyle and return to Heavenly Parents as our National Resolution this July 26, 2024.

Love you all forever…

[1] The number of the beast is related to man’s number “6”. Why is that, because as a result of the Fall of Adam and Eve, Lucifer became the God of this world instead of Heavenly Parents. So, Satan’s number is called 666 referring to the unholy trinity of Adam, Lucifer, and Eve; instead of the original Holy Trinity of Adam, Heavenly Father, and Eve. Notice how the LORD Jesus referred to Lucifer as the Father of Liars of Humankind linked to the Israelites as the Chosen People of God (John 8:44).

[2] Later we will introduce our unique SMM Gauge Theory called the 4PFS. Using this structure we will hypothesize the existence of two interconnected Solar Systems linked to Planets and Exoplanets exhibiting negative (-S) and positive (+S) entropy balanced by the Higgs Boson as a God Particle with Zero Entropy (S=0).

[3] These 144,000 are called collectively Central Blessed Families (CBF) of True Parents

[4] We pray to let this testimony be added to the Holy Records of testimonies.

[5] Recently in Liberia, days before we opened our Cheon Shim Won the Iman of the mosque next door to us on Deport Road had a vision of Seven Angels surrounding our Holy place. 


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